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Driving In Tenerife


Legal Requirements

It is a legal requirement that the original car documents are in the car when you are out and about.  This includes, insurance, ITV certificate (MOT) etc, and so it’s a good idea to keep photocopies of everything.


You also need 2 fluorescent jackets (these must be kept in the car not in the boot) a ‘Red warning triangle’, first aid kit, complete set of replacement bulbs and fire extinguisher. If you wear glasses, then you are supposed to have a spare pare of them in the car. When you are out and about you must have your driving licence, passport and Certificado de Registro with you. If you get stopped by the police and you don’t have the correct paperwork, you will get a fine. Unlike the UK, you don’t get 7 days to produce your documents.


It is against the law to drive in bare feet or flip-flop type footwear. Drivers should wear shoes which cover the heel area, otherwise risk a fine.


Car Tax

Car tax is payable yearly, the cost will depend on which municipality you live in and the vehicles engine size, but it is much cheaper than the UK. You don’t have a tax disc to display, but you will get yet another piece of paper to keep with the rest of your cars documents. Car tax is payable at the Town Hall. If you don’t pay your car tax and then want to sell the car, you will have to pay all the tax due plus charges incurred for non-payment.




Vehicles over 4 years old must go through an ITV test, similar to the UK MOT test. You can take your car to a garage for a pre-inspection check and arrange with them to take it to the ITV testing centre. If you car fails the ITV, you can only have it repaired at an authorised repair centre.  When you car passes the ITV, a sticker is placed on the passenger side of the windscreen with the date of the next inspection. Cars between 4 and 10 years old must be tested every 2 years and then every year. There are different rules for motorcycles, vans and trucks. Continued.